Tag Archives: socktoberfest


I didn’t have plans to participate in Socktoberfest this year, but I ran out of yarn on the Baby Cape.

While sitting around waiting for my WEBS order, I thumbed through my copy of Knitting Vintage Socks, by Nancy Bush. My child doesn’t have NEARLY enough socks, nor does she have socks that actually stay on her feet, so I thought I could try my hand at making her a pair. The Infant Fancy Silk Sock pattern was a perfect idea! I dug through my stash and found this Lang Jawool superwash yarn, purchased a set of 00 dpn’s (I know! Who thought 00 existed???), and VIOLA!

I’m knitting socks once again. And it’s socktoberfest. And I don’t feel pressured at all to finish them by the end of the month. I’m just happy to be knitting socks. Yay!

Now, if only I could find some IRL knitters to sit around and knit with!