To fluff or not to fluff?

That is the question.

Here is the finished baby cape with fluff:

And here it is without:

I can’t decide which way I prefer.  The loopy stitch took many tries to figure out so I would hate to waste such a herculean effort. I also sewed the loop section NEXT to the finished cape edge, so the hood seems a bit bigger and blocks a little wind for Sweet Pea BUT it does have a baby-bonnet type loom to it. And I’m not sure about that.

Off to finish her Socktober Socks before NaKnitSweMo (National Knit a Sweater Month) begins tomorrow. I’ve got my yarn, I’ve got my project, don’t have my swatch yet… where are you at?

13 responses to “To fluff or not to fluff?

  1. Oh – that’s hard… I keep going back and forth, but I think no fluff :o)

  2. I like it with out the looped stitches. it’s pretty enought plain.


  3. I say no fluff…it’s just too cute. Unless of course, you did a contrasting furry trim…like something you would get at Joann’s by the yard. It’s so cute, Dana!

  4. I, personally, like the fluff – I think it’s way cute!

  5. No fluff. I think it’s beautiful with out it, very sleek & english looking 🙂

  6. It makes me want to learn to crochet — something between the fluff (I keep thinking of all the things those loops could get caught on) and plain.

  7. I could go either way…the fluff is kind of frisky and fun….but I think that no fluff is more practical and classic

  8. FLUFF, FLUFF, FLUFF!!! Sweet Pea is a beautiful little girl! Wow!!!!

  9. She’s adorable either way! But I think I like it better with the fluff! She is just so cute and growing like a weed too! LOL

  10. I think the fluff is wicked cute! (though of course she by herself is wicked cute)

  11. I love both! Can you just make another one?

    By the way I noticed on another post you were making handmade gift. I have a list of ideas/ tutorials on my blog if you are interested.


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