
This was my husband’s shirt.


It’s a little, um, Whoa Polkadot Polyester, and despite his affinity to it’s vintage awesomeness, he generously donated it to my upcycling project 2.0.

What’s upcycling? It’s a newfangled word I just learned! It’s when you take something old/ no longer useful/ unwanted and change it up to make something  of better value/ use/ quality.

I upcycled Keith’s shirt into a dress for my daughter, thanks to a fabulous tutorial from Made. Yes, I am a big fan of Made.

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I opted to make it 3/4 sleeves and just moved the button holes to make the sleeves fit and puff a bit. I had some extra satin blanket binding left over from another project so I used that for the waistband.

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Of course I couldn’t let the leftover scraps go to waste, so I made a wee bow tie for the little man.

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Adorable, aren’t they?

New dress, new bow tie, nearly no money spent. I love projects like that.

6 responses to “Upcycling

  1. sooooooooooooooooo cute! much better as a dress 🙂

  2. Love it too! wonderful job! To be honest, I never understood what goes into designing fabric for men’s shirts. A fabric I’d think was ok, was totally unacceptable to my son. This red polka dot, for a man’s shirt, hmm? But adorable for a little girl’s dress. And a great concept, upcycling.

  3. Wow, that is really creative of you!! So cute!

  4. I love this! I have a short stack of shirts for which I want to do something similar… except go from Men’s XL to women’s M or so. And that 1970’s hawaiin long dress, give it a couple darts and shorten it to a summer dress. I think I’m going to make a “mini me” (cheap version dress form) first though.

  5. Wow…first of all, you know a lot of Lisa’s!!! Second of all…you are VERY talented!!! I can’t believe made that!!! I’m quite jealous!

  6. Pingback: Easter Outfits | Crafting Things New

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