Sinus Knitting

A new thing to do while pregnancy rhinitus keeps you up at night:

Knit things for the baby! At least I am doing something that will prove fruitful in a short amount of time.

This only took me two days of knitting here and there. How fun are itty bitty projects? I found the yarn on clearance at Joann’s for 2.50. What a deal!

The stats:

Children’s Cotton Hats, from Last Minute Knitted Gifts

Sensations Belleza Collection Yarn, less than 1 skein

Size 7 DPNs

Started Monday, 9/10

Finished Tuesday, 9/11

This is my second hat from LMKG, though the first knit in wool. The other hat I knit I gifted to our friends who’s baby arrived 3 weeks early- last week! I hadn’t even cast on for the baby booties they had picked out when I called my friend last Wednesday to confirm our plans to visit the MOPS group in our area. She sounded kind of quiet and I asked her if I woke her up… and she explained that she was in the hospital- that the baby was born the night before.

Now our “buffer” is gone! The only other pregnant couple we knew now had their baby! It’s just us. Maybe we should pack our bag, huh?

Who else watched the Biggest Loser 2 hour opening episode last night? I am all about this show this year! I never have had a show that I watch every week, but my husband and I decided to try to have a show or two that we always watch, a fun date night at home to look forward to during the winter months. The Office is our other one šŸ™‚

My question for the Biggest Loser is : Is all the people do all day is exercise? Because that is a little bit unrealistic for real people to do, right? I would love to have a few weeks at that campus after the baby is born!

10 responses to “Sinus Knitting

  1. I didn’t realize a new one was starting…I enjoy that show a lot! It is inspiring seeing people with so much to lose doing it. I do think all they do is workout, though!

  2. How cute! I love little white knits on babies.

  3. I’m behind on my blog reading and I just caught up on what you’ve been up to. All of your projects and pictures look great! I especially like the picture of Mercy in the booties. Too cute!

    Hang in there!

  4. Cute hat! I saw part of the opening espisode… I can’t imagine what they do all day, it doesn’t seem realistic.

  5. Cute little hat!

    We watched the season opener too. I like the show and hubby really likes it because he is trying to lose weight and he says it is motivating for him. I think it would kill me doing just one of their workouts though.

  6. So cute! Don’t watch that tv show…waiting for Grey’s! Really only watch that and Jeopardy.

  7. Mercy is adorable in her tunnel and I’m sure she would love her own room someday! My cats have full run of the house since there’s no way to keep them contained. They are pretty good though.

    You have my sympathies on the sinus issues. This is my worst time of year too — everyone loves the colored leaves but they are miserable for waking up congested and with headaches. I hope you feel better soon, and in the meantime, enjoy your extra knitting. The hat is so cute!

  8. Dana~Hope all is well. My prayers go with you and your husband.

  9. What a cute little hat!

  10. Very cute hat! We haven’t heard from you in a while…you’ve been on my mind today, and in my prayers. All ok?

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